So since we have moved here two months ago I have already done a lot of canning. My neighbors all have fruit trees and gardens and we also inherited peach and plum trees. I can tell you thirteen different ways to prepare zuccini now :) so here is what I have been working on.
From Tree.........
To Baskets.......
To Table......
To Jars, Jams and Freezer!
Some other quick updates on what we have been doing in Utah.....
We dress up and run around the neighborhood, you know keep them talking. Karl prefers his birthday suit, I didn't think it appropriate to display that picture. Yes the boys like to wear underwear on their heads. Once again their fathers influence.
Kaden and Ethan are both in Soccer!
We go over a lot of bike safety since we ride our bikes everywhere here. Kaden just learned to ride without training wheels yesterday and is already grounded from riding his bike today. He found the steepest driveway in the neighborhood and discovered if he starts at the top of one neighbors driveway and zooms across the street the momentum is great by the time he hits the next neighbors driveway and slams on his brakes before he hits their house. Porter was so excited to get his new helmet he didn't even wait to take the packaging off. Ethan had a fight with the asphalt and guess who won?
So this has been an update of life at the Johnsons!
By the way our neighbor didn't shoot himself, the cops shot him and he died and now there are very angry residents who have been protesting the way the cops handled the incident.
Oh How I miss you and those crazy boys! Thank you for sharing your blog.
I am jealous of all that fruit although I don't think I would be as good as you and get them all canned, I would have good intentions, but we know where that leads. I love the pics of the boys, Kaleb sure misses them!!
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