yes we are happy that the boys are always outside on their bikes now, but the bumps and bruises have been many. I think we have gone through two and a half boxes of band-aids in the past few weeks.
So my question is "Are we ever really Happy"? Living in the Arizona heat mid summer, I would complain that the kids never went outside to play, now in the (so far) nicer weather of Utah I can't ever find my kids. I know you are saying to yourself "and why is this a bad thing", well really I just feel bad for the neighbors. The boys literally go from one house to the next playing with the kids, and yes even the mom's. There is a lady with only a baby across the street, she was out playing ball with my boys while her baby slept, because they knocked on her door and asked her to play with them.

Anyways so I was looking for Kaden Yesterday and I asked the three year old neighbor boy if he knew where he was at, he smiled at me and pointed to the top of this hill, the street over from our house. I looked up and saw Kaden on his bike flying down the hill with the biggest smile on his face, you could see the adrenaline and excitement rushing through his little body. His hair was flapping in his eyes, my first thought was, "Kaden needs a hair-cut, wait a minute, he doesn't have a helmet on". I screamed, "stop, no slow down then stop" he zoomed through the stop sign whirled around the corner and finally came to a stop. Relieved he was ok, I proceeded to yell at him and tell him how dangerous that was, I explained that there was a car at the stop sign and Kaden didn't stop at the stop sign. He looks at me and talks to me like a teenager would, "well mom that car didn't have it's blinker on". Like the car was totally in the wrong. I can't wait to see how the bikes do on the icy roads. ; )
So Saturday Ethan bugged me all day until I gave in and rode the four-wheeler with him up the canyon in the freezing rain, I was a solid ice cube by the time we got home.

Sunday we took the boys to the pond and let them ride their bikes around. I was walking down a hill when Ethan yells "mom hear comes Porter"! I could hear the tires on the pavement as they were obviously way too fast and out of control. I turned around just in time as Porter going about 100mph ran into the back of me, I think or motherly instinct trying to stop him, I'm not sure which one came first. Anyways I watched him hit the asphalt, then bounce once or twice. I was sure he was broken. Luckily he wasn't, just pretty banged up. I am very glad I made him put his helmet back on, he had taken it off earlier and I was too tired to fight with him about it, but decided I had better be insistent. Glad I did because he bruised up the side of his face and I am sure we would have had a bloody mess if he didn't have it on.

So am I really glad that the boys are always out on their bikes or motorcycles? I don't know, I'll tell you after they are grown.
I tried to get pictures of road rash, but it didn't show up real well.
"I'm so embarrassed"
"Ok really mom, that's enough!"
I can just picture how shy Porter was acting when you were taking his pics. If you ever get tired of him, send him down. Kaden on the other hand, I don't know if Ila will play with him or not, but we can try? :-)
I think the summer would be too hot for me since I'm from Michigan and like cool summers for a ride on a Kid electric scooter.
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