The high 100 mph wind on Thursday left Farmington and it's neighboring towns in a state of dishevel. Roofs blown off, large 80 year old trees blown over or snapped in half. Trees on houses and cars. Much of the town without power for 24-48 hours. The wind definitely took it's toll on the quaint town.
Here is a picture of us in front of our friends old barn.
Here is the old barn now.....
Here is a picture of our next door neighbors house.
Saturday the whole town was out cutting fallen trees and dragging the debris to the street. The city was going to come by and pick it all up, this would take them a good week or so. The weather has now taken a turn for the worse and they expect more high winds tonight. For fear that this debris would tear through the town causing more damage the Stake President declared it a work day.
It amazed me how quickly the town pulled together serving not only those they know, but anyone and everyone who needed help. I stayed at home most of the morning babysitting the neighbors kids while they went out to serve. I baked 5 dozen cookies to pass out. As groups of volunteers would come down my street, I ran out and passed out cookies. I felt bad I wasn't out in the trenches with them.
It was heart warming to see the little blond three year old Rebeca working along side her neighbor the large 80 year old Golden Glove Boxer. Or sister Robinson who is always dressed to the hilt, in all that is fashionable. In time of need, she was in sweats remembering her roots. She grew up on a ranch and not a stranger to hard work. Her husband off helping someone else, she got the call, had all four of her kids dressed in boots and leather gloves, she hooked her 12 foot trailer to her diesel pickup and she without hesitation jumped in where needed.
I have always said the one thing I really like about Utah is the opportunities my children have to serve. Whether it be mowing lawns, racking leaves, shoveling snow or hauling away debris after a storm, my children are learning how to serve, what an valuable life lesson.
Ethan is in the orange
Even in the Snow. man
Now as the winds return we can all rest a little easier.
What a great experience your kids had to serve. I hope you stay safe from the weather. I love you!
Wow Kellie, what a great opportunity to serve. Its amazing what can be done when people come together. I thought a lot about you this past weekend as I was getting ready for the dance recital. Hope your holidays are happy!
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