Here is Ethan playing the part of Brigham Young in Utahoma.
Ethan did not want to be a part of the Rodgers Theatre Youth Program, but his mother who is a teacher there insisted that he participate. After much whaling and gnashing of teeth he agreed. Then after the first couple of practices he seemed to really enjoy it, he said he had nothing to do with the fact that there was 20 girls and only 4 boys in the production, uh huh!!
His director said he was a natural.... he must get that from his father :)
So after all was said and done, he was glad his mother made him participate....Remember that my Boy!
Kaden too was part of a production at the Rodgers Theatre. He, unlike his older brother though was excited about it.
They did a play called "Ella -Girl from the Cinders".
Kaden played the part of Sir Rufus, the interactive narrator.
Kaden was quick to memorize all his lines. But I as well as his director was impressed at how quickly he picked up the tap dancing.
Unlike Ethan's age group, Kaden's group did not have a cast party after the show. So Kaden and I went out for special time after his show. I think he liked it better anyways.
So after a semester of Theatre Karl insisted on signing the boys up for Karate... I'll post those pictures later. :) Good Job Boys!
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