The infamous Hungarian tort. Very Yummy! But the making of was not worth trying again. I burned my hand really bad so I asked Karl to come hurry and take over before the toffee on top set up. He got there a minute too late. The toffee was setting up, he tried to cut it. Put the knife in one side of his hand and it came out the other. Me with ice on my hand and him with a bloody towel we headed out to go to the E.R. only to find out his truck was parked behind my car with a flat tire. The neighbors door was open so I ran across the street and asked Chad to take Karl to the E.R. I think the funniest part though was while they were at the hospital the Dr. came in and talked to Karl saying, "You know there are safe houses around here. Don't go back to any bad situations". He obviously didn't believe the whole "Torte" story. Or Chad must have looked pretty gang banger. :) ( and I can't figure out how to get rid of this underline. Aagghh).
Ethan's first day of sixth grade with Mrs. Enright as his teacher. Kaden's first day of kindergarten with Mrs. Bittner as his teacher.
Kaden As we were coming into SLC.

Here we are looking down on all the city.
Kaden took straws, paper and tape and made this creation all by himself for "Reflections" at school. The title of his piece is "The Kite". We are all very impressed by his creativity.
Ethan's piece went onto district. His artwork was titled, "Defining You" Battling what's right.
Um, i'm pretty sure that's the most violent torte story I've ever heard. Not sure I would have bought it if I was at the hospital either. That's hilarious though(and incredibly painful sounding) and so glad it didn't get any nerves. My question is who was the brave one that got to pull the knife out?
It was an immediate reaction. Karl pulled the knife out just as soon as it went in. Seriously blood was everywhere. On the walls fridge. I wouldn't let the kids go in the kitchen until I got it cleaned up. :)
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