Yeah ok, so every time my sister and I make a mistake in Mothering (which is not too often) but yes happens occasionally. We also say "ok so I just won the mother of the year award", meaning we just did something not so great. So Kaden came in a couple of days ago and was crying, you know one of those I am really hurt, not just faking it this time cry. So I picked him up and noticed his bloody hands and scratched up ear and tummy. Between sobbs he explains, " I was riding my bike down the driveway, and when I slammed on my brakes my chain came off my bike and I ran into the back of the four-wheeler". Oops my bad, you know the last post about me fixing the bike and I think I recall a "Yeah Me", well I guess I have to take it back. I felt really bad. He asked if Daddy could fix the bike next time. I think that is a great idea.

Here is a picture of our driveway. It is pretty long and slopes down, Kaden can get his momentum really going if he starts at the street, I'm sure he was going pretty fast. But in my defense the bike did work for a few days. Here is a video of him on his bike ramp that he built.
Porter wanted to be fast like lightning, then he decided he asked me "can I put the towel on like Superman"? Here is our little superman.

Here are the yummy cupcakes the boys made.

Do you like the half of bottle of sprinkles on the blue cupcake, no one has eaten it yet, I wonder why! Porter was so excited as he was pouring it on. Ok so I'm not Mother of the Year, but my kids make me happy, so I guess that's all that matters.
So sad! I love the cupcakes. Wouldn't eat the sprinkle one, but it is very pretty.
So does this mean I'm back in the running for Mother of the Year too?
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