I have a few cowboys in my house that love pizza.
Here is Kaden at Roping lessons....
Here is Porter trying his hand at it....
After a hard day out on the ranch, what do my boys love? That's right Brick oven pizza. There is something so very flavorful and tasty about bread and pizza cooked in an outside brick-oven.
~ Here is the problem~
I went to a friends house and had pizza cooked in a real pizza brick oven. I was hooked instantly. The ambiance was wonderful too. We were surrounded by a big garden, the yard was lovely, chickens running around out in the yard, jazzy-soul music playing. My friend cut vegetables straight out of her garden and put them on the pizza and cooked them up. It was heaven. Yum. So I decided I would try this in my outside fireplace that had a side oven. ~Not the Same~. You have to have firebricks around the whole thing for the heat to stay in properly. As you can see we have a metal plate on the top of ours.
So we had to keep a small fire going at all times to keep enough heat in there. It worked. But for my birthday I am asking my husband to make me a real brick-oven pizza.
I cut fresh basil off my plant and put in the dough.
I've decided swiss chard is a must on every pizza. My kids even love it.
I like the thinner crust...
Karl likes the thicker crust....
We chopped up zucchini, squash, green onions, basil, olives, and tomatoes also and put on it. WIth a whole wheat crust this is really a healthy garden vegetable dinner, and I am really craving it right now. :)
The funnest part was the kids all made their own individual pizzas they loved getting in and cooking.