Yeah, that was the title of one of my philosophy papers, along with the one about a chicken wearing pantyhose, a box of crayons, next week old fat men in speedos. So I went back to school, I am working on a Masters in Secondary Education. My philosophy class is sooo boring. So two days ago I wrote a paper titled, "Yeah that's what you think!" (Thanks for the idea Kathleen) because really isn't that what philosophy is? I haven't received my grade for that one yet I'll let you know. But 100% on all the others. :)
So for all those wondering, we got the word yesterday that we are NOT moving to Missouri. I don't mind Missouri, but I am glad to not have to pack up and move again, well for now anyways. Karl really likes the project he is on here, so all is well for now.
So we are enjoying the snow here in Farmington.

Porter particularly likes getting bundled up and going out to play.

We took our Young Women sledding, it was on ice not snow. It was the scariest most painful activity I have participated in in a long time. I have never laughed so hard either. It was a rush. But it took about four weeks for my bottom to heal. It's painful to land on solid ice, while going 60 mph. I guess the stupid thing is was that I kept doing it. So sledding on the side of our house was much safer for the boys. Karl took them later to a better hill, I still not being able to sit properly stayed home.
For some reason I can't upload the video, I'll keep trying! :)

Karl reading to the boys before bed. 'Captain Underpants', I'm not sure who liked the story more, Karl or the boys?
This is just one of my favorite pictures!

Porter after a hard day of playing and eating candy!